Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chocolate Bowls

We were inspired by Lindsey Capel and Stephanie's Kitchen. So, a couple nights ago, later than we should have been up, Kevin and I took a stab at making chocolate bowls. It turned out pretty well actually. The bowls looked pretty good and since we let them cool over night we didn't have a problem popping them the next day. Kevin made the filling while I was at school: chocolate cake (with pudding mix in it) and an almond vanilla cream. It was deliciously rich. Kevin and I shared one bowl (which isn't super big) and we almost couldn't finish it because it was so rich. It was wonderful though!


Anna said...

Ummm....if I could make all my utensils out of chocolate I would!

Lindsey said...

How did you make them so perfect? I AM IMPRESSED. The universe just folded in on itself.