Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hello New York!

I made it to New York! It's been an adventure already. My phone fell out of my pocket in the Taxi and by the time I realized it he was gone. However, Annette called my phone and a few minutes later the taxi driver called back and said he was circling around and I could come out and get it. Whew... that was a close one. So now my phone is zipped up in my purse so that it doesn't fall out anymore.

We were going to eat at the Shake Shack but... there was a small fire so they were closed until the Health Department came and gave the ok for them to open again. So we ate at Cafe Einstein. It was pretty good, but not spectacular. The building was pretty interesting though.

After that we walked around Times Square and then went up to H&M and Rockefeller Square. Everything was closing since it was Sunday but we saw a few things. We then got hot chocolate at Starbucks to help us warm up. It is super windy, otherwise I wouldn't be that cold. Hopefully when the sun is out tomorrow it will be a little better.

Times Square and St. Patrick's Cathedral

Hopefully it will be open tomorrow :)

This is the inside of Cafe Edison. I'm wondering if it was an old part of the hotel that they converted into a restaurant.

There was definitely something big going on here. We walked through a big crowd of people trying to get tickets.

This building looked really cool with the sun hitting it. The skating rink by the Rockefeller Plaza was a lot smaller than I thought, but still cool.

1 comment:

Tam said...

Wow! Fun, fun, fun! Super pictures. Can't wait to read and see more. Glad you got your phone back!